Thursday, September 17, 2015

「GES EX 證券交易系統體驗日」圓滿結束

香港金融交易平台供應商 Global eSolutions (HK) Limited (GES) 8 26 日舉辦的「GES EX 證券交易系統體驗日」已順利舉行。當天 GES 的代表為來賓演示了 GES EX 證券交易系統的功能及運作流程以及講解電子交易系統對證券業務發展的重要性

是次活動吸引了分別來自七間券商的十三名出席者,當中大部分為證監會註冊機構的高級管理人員。席間來賓都專心聆聽 GES 代表的講解,部分來賓更大方分享作為系統用家的感受及意見

活動主持 Jeffrey Lo 總結道:「是次體驗日取得圓滿成果,業界人士能得以更了解我們公司及 GES EX 交易系統,我們亦了解到他們對交易系統的需要,期望將來可為更多券商提供高效益的交易解決方案,幫助其迎接成交量龐大的港股大時代來臨。」


“GES EX Securities Trading System Experience Day” Achieved a Great Success

Global eSolutions (HK) Limited (GES), a Hong Kong based leading financial trading platform vendor held a successful event –– “GES EX Securities Trading System Experience Day” on 26th August. The representative from GES demonstrated the key features and operation flow of their new securities trading system – GES EX and shared the importance of electronic trading system for securities brokerage business.

The event has been well received by 13 participants from 7 brokerage firms, who are mostly senior management from SFC brokerages. During the event, the participants listened to the speaker attentively. Some participants are happy to share their thoughts and feelings as well from the users’ point of view.

“GES EX Securities Trading System Experience Day has achieved a great success. Brokerages are able to gain a better understanding of our company and GES EX trading system. We also understand more about their need on trading system. We look forward to providing more brokerages with the highly efficient trading solution for them to get equipped for the arrival of the new era of Hong Kong Stock market with booming stock turnover.” Jeffrey Lo, the host of the event concluded.

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